gambar : cik epel ^_^
Bahan2 :
Rebuskan semua bahan yg dikisar dgn serbuk kunyit.. then masukkan bilis.
Dah semua tu masak (bwg & cili dah x berbau 'tengik'), masukkan terung. Agak2 terung dah lecur, tambah santan, garam & asam keping
Happy Birthday my beloved Wifey..
May Allah bless us for this wonderful marriage..
Thus a loving gift from God it will soon to be..
Our Baby is soon to make our lives more meaningful and
valuable and hectic and gu-gu-ga-ga...
...I am not the man i am today, if i dont have u by my side..
I love u so much huggy boo...
The irreplaceable love of my life..
Our wedding anniversary brings to mind
The happiness and joy you’ve brought to me
Sweet memories,the laughter and the tears,
Devoted love you give abundantly.
The place I want to be is close to you
There’s ecstasy and peace in your embrace
I know that I can cope with what life brings
As long as I wake up to see your face.
You’re all I ever wanted, of course Ichiro too;
I look at you and I still get a thrill
Our marriage is the best thing in my life;
I love you deeply, madly, and I always will.
Happy 1st Anniversary Dear..
Thank U for the lovely presents ^^
Thanks sbb try resepi saya.. thanks gak coz bg credit to my blog.. :)
sama2 awak..hihihi...
Sedap.. Sy dah try
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